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InProFUSION EngineeringbyJoão Pedro de AmorimYour iOS codebase should be using (or should be in the process of moving to) SwiftUI. Here’s why.Here @ ProFUSION, we’ve done a series of projects using Apple’s SwiftUI and we’re really impressed on how fast and efficient it can be for…Aug 31, 20221Aug 31, 20221
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InBetter ProgrammingbyBaha AbishevaBuild a SwiftUI watchOS Weather App for an Existing iOS ApplicationAdd a watchOS target to your existing iOS projectDec 27, 2021Dec 27, 2021
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InBetter ProgrammingbyJacob BartlettLocalisation in Xcode 15Utilise new String Catalogs to internationalize your Swift appsNov 8, 20231Nov 8, 20231